Sunday, April 4, 2010

These are a few of my favorite pics

The bride was very carefree which made picture taking a lot of fun! The only difficulties were her trying to get her daughter from opening the gifts before the cards were read. Haha! She catered in Panda Express and had many yummy treats to choose from including a chocolate lava fountain and colorful cupcakes. Of course I had to munch on just the fruits and veggies because of my gluten intolerance but I was still having a fun time. It was kind of nerve wracking to see all of my relatives that I haven't seen in ages but as soon as I saw my great aunts I felt very comforted. Everyone remembered me and that felt good. The bride, Amanda, is gorgeous so taking photos of her was so easy. Her friends were very pretty too! It was so much fun taking pictures of them. Especially for the venue (inside a club house) the lighting was exceptionally good. It surprised me. I am used to my pictures looking way too yellow for my taste. I hope you enjoy these pictures! Let me know what you think. :)

I caught a secret kiss!

These two were so adorable.

MMM frozen bananas!

The obligatory picture of me and my younger cousin Bridget. 

Everyone was glad that I caught this!

She was so adorable!

MMMmm! Little Tuxedo Strawberries. Almost too good to eat. ;) 

I love this picture. My mom in the blue dress and my aunts and cousins.